Top 9 Baby Items I Used Way More than Expected

Top 9 Baby Items I Used Way More than Expected


You’ll get A LOT of tips on parenting and stuff people think you’ll need. Not all of it will be true! To navigate the adventure of becoming a parent, it’s key to remember you’re unique and you DON’T HAVE TO DO IT LIKE ANYONE ELSE.

That said, I’ve compiled a compact list of 9 items (stuff) I’m REALLY GLAD we had when our Lucy was a baby. I believe a lot of it is relevant to most households, so it could be baby products you need too.

Want more advice on a specific item? Pop me a message!

Backpack Diaperbag (Grownup Styled!)

About 3 months before our Lucy came, I walked into a public bathroom and a mom was changing a diaper. I commented on her nice babybag and her immediate reply was advising me to make life easier on myself by getting a backpack-type diaper bag.

Best buy EVER!

2 years down the line I’m STILL using it and looking at some other moms weighed down by traditional bags…and then I wish I can hand out backpacks at maternity wards!

Here’s what I love:

  • Better weight distribution makes carrying it much less tiring.
  • Your hands are free to handle a rambunctious toddler, soothe a crying baby or carry your shopping bag while pushing a stroller (#multitasking).
  • Exterior pockets make it easy to reach the essentials, even without taking it off your back.
  • I can carry the diaper bag AND my own handbag and not feel encumbered.

Here’s the other piece of advice a close friend gave that I’m glad I listened to:

Remember, it’s YOU that will be carrying that bag for the next few years, NOT the baby. So, pick a design you actually love, since your little one won’t care what it looks like. Truthfully…it’s a parent’s bag, not a baby bag. So, why not add some style to your outfit whenever you head out?

Bath Pillow

These pillows may be a bit expensive and luckily we had one gifted to us, otherwise I wouldn’t have thought it worth the money.

But it is!

Do note that your baby may go through phases of hating water and then loving it…and then hating it again.

However, ours definitely enjoyed relaxing on this floating cloud and it makes bath time much easier. They’re designed so warm water is around their little bodies to keep them warm, but their heads are elevated.

If you feel awkward during newborn bath time since it’s all so unfamiliar, try introducing this fairly early on, as they work even for very young babies. (photos for proof ) The baby is sufficiently supported, while you do the necessary washing.

Small Stroller

So, everyone at the prenatal classes discussed which baby products brand of stroller to get and of course a travel system is a MUST for taking baby in and out the car – hopefully without waking the sleeping angel!

But, no one told me the magic of a small stroller – branded or not.

We loved our gifted travel system, but I will tell you I pretty quickly ditched the bulky stroller and started using a cheap secondhand stroller that was MUCH easier to handle in store aisles. Without it, I probably wouldn’t have created so many memories of me and my little girl grocery shopping or having mom-daughter restaurant dates. It just made it EASIER to be out and about.

Pic for cuteness…

Bonus features:

  • If baby gets fed up with the stroller, collapse and put in the shopping cart and simply continue shopping with baby on your hip or in the trolley (yes, moms can manage a baby and a shopping cart if they need to).
  • Easy to maneuver in small spaces – even around grocery store aisles.
  • Shopping baskets or bags fit over the handles, so you can do shopping while pushing the stroller.
  • You have loads of boot space left after loading it into the car. 

And yes, our little one found it more than comfortable and even had a nap in there if ever our adventures became a bit tiring.

Baby Carrier

I’m so thankful for my crew of friends and local church moms that taught me the magic of baby carriers. Certain baby products for parents can transform your entire parenting experience!

Important tips:

  • There’s no perfect carrier – try out second hand ones to see what works for you.
  • Different carriers work at different ages, so if multiple friends offer theirs, take them all.
  • Husbands and wives often have different preferences in carrier design- so once again, never say no to anyone offering to give or lend you a carrier.

Here are three types our family used a LOT.

I simply adored having my baby close to my chest with the wrap-style carriers (I used a Noonoo Pie secondhand one – live sustainably and sell or pass it on when you’re finished with it). It was magic for the first 6 months but Baby soon outgrew it and it can get hot in summer.

With a carrier like the green one above I prepared an entire birthday dinner for my husband, with my 4-month old strapped in. And she was happy throughout.

Hubby’s choice? He preferred something similar to this.

Silicone Breast Pump/Cup

So, these cute little jars are AMAZING!

Simply use the power of suction to let one adhere to a breast while you pump or feed on the other side. You’ll be amazed at the amount of milk that collects in the cup. That’s perfect for creating breast milk stash. Pour out and freeze!

Recliner Chair in the Baby Room

Rocking chair? Cute wooden type?

Please no!

After enjoying the luxury of sleeping in my parents’ comfy recliner wiht baby-in-arms, we had to get one ourselves. Do yourself a favour and get yours from the start if you can – I wish we got ours sooner.

We moved when she was 1 year old, so there was space for one in her new room – and we didn’t regret the expense once!

  • If she was fussy, I slept on it in her room so I didn’t waste time and energy going back and forth between bedrooms. We retained the luxury of having a bedroom that’s OURS…but we were also comfy when looking after her in her room.
  • It is super comfortable for breastfeeding.
  • It was the book-reading spot before bedtime.
  • The chairs are big enough that even a toddler can comfortably sleep on you or next to you if they’re feeling poorly

Getting enough sleep is vital, but it’s difficult to get enough z’s those first few months. A recliner chair benefits everyone’s sleep quality, so it’s a luxury item that’s worth investing in.

Washable Breast Pads

I’m so sorry I only invested in these later on!

I could have saved money AND the environment.

Find washable breast pads rather than buying boxes and boxes of disposable ones.

As a bonus they’re very soft and comfortable and no, you won’t really miss the fact that they don’t have an adhesive section on the back. In general, they stay in place and won’t cause discomfort.

Syringes for Medicine Time

Giving medicine to a baby was a conundrum for which we tried various solutions. At one stage I added medicine to her milk in a bottle but that was only relevant at 5-months old when she started taking the bottle. Luckily she wasn’t a sickly newborn!

But when a friend mentioned syringes, I went “why didn’t I think of that?”

Even up to 2 years medicine in a syringe was the easiest, no-mess method to get Lucy to drink meds. Of course, a syringe also makes it easy to see if I’m giving her the right dosage to drink.

Do prepare yourself that sometimes they’ll enjoy the novelty of it and other times they’ll refuse it. Also, stay close if they want to squeeze it into their mouth themselves because it may just go everywhere. But in 90% of cases, it was a success (and it’s an easy way to send measured-out medicine to daycare, ready to administer if needed).

No-mess Reusable Paint-with-water Books

Okay so these are for toddlers, rather than babies, but keep a lookout for them while shopping for baby products online, so you have one on hand as soon as baby starts to scribble. Along with the paint-with-water books come pens that only contain water, so there’s no risk of stains all over the house. The kids love seeing the pictures being revealed after drawing on the white surface.

My little Lucy enjoyed her books over and over and the thick pages were practical for journeys in the car – 30 minutes of fun guaranteed!

What NOT to spend your money on (in my humble opinion)

I will say it again: all families are different, so other parents will have other go-to products. But do think twice before you spend money on the following, as it doesn’t necessarily work despite it being trendy top sellers:

  • Don’t buy baskets full of bibs and burp cloths. Lucy wasn’t a drooler, so I rarely used mine. Make sure you actually need a lot before you spend your money on them. If you get lots of them as gifts, that’s a bonus.
  • Do not buy an entire set of new, expensive bottles from a single reputable brand. Many babies have bottle preferences, so if you can start by trying out borrowed bottles (just add new nipples) or buying ones secondhand, you can figure out which set is a good investment. You may save yourself a lot of money.

Some things you see online or that other couples love are baby products you don’t need from the get-go. Spend on the must-haves first and have fun shopping online for the ones you still need once your little one arrives and shows you what they need.

Finally – a Word of Encouragement

Here’s my last tip apart from my baby products list to consider…

…as my boss told me and my husband often says…Sometimes babies just cry (you won’t always have a solution). But you’re still an excellent mom or dad!

Now, good luck. If it gets tough, remember it won’t always be like that.

You’re all going to be fine!

Please share your personal tips or baby-product-must-haves in the comments.

PS: I’m not a medical/baby expert, so I’m just sharing opinions based on personal experience. Hope it works for you too!

And Then…It Happened – Why I’m Smiling and 6 Things that Got me Here

And Then…It Happened – Why I’m Smiling and 6 Things that Got me Here

[FULL DISCLOSURE: I started writing this way back when in 2019. It ended up in Drafts. I’m so enjoying reminding myself of these truths now, on a day in 2023 where I REALLY need some of this. And I realise how it still applies and His lessons are ongoing. So, excuse the mix of feelings, dates and facts. ]

2019 me: I wrote a lie a few weeks ago. Okay, as a writer I’m allowed to make things up, but how I wished it was true: The character on the page was happy. Happy to get up in the morning. Happy with his work. Happy to dream about the future.

I wrote it and knew that wasn’t me.


But then I got up this morning and cautiously I explore my emotions. I’m smiling without faking it. I’m not dreading opening my laptop…I’m almost looking forward to it. I talk because I want to not because I’m trying to silence the voice of stress in my mind.

I’m in a good space. I’m happy.

Isn’t that what we all say we want out of life?

Of course I’ve been happy for a long time, but change and challenges and fears and stress have been robbing me of LIVING that for quite a while. I know the Giver of joy, but getting to the point where that joy filters through to more parts of my being…that took a while.

And I’m thankful…and of course I’m scared it all splinters into nothingness tomorrow morning. I’m realistic: I will always have good and bad days. But part of how you ensure you live in victory tomorrow is by acknowledging the breakthroughs of today. It’s the foundation for what’s to come.

So, for myself and anyone hoping to one day breathe a sigh of relief, I’m documenting this.

It took a year of hard work. Praying and believing for one plan for our family took a lot of energy. And then an entirely different plan played out. It shook us even though the second plan was also good. What is His eventual plans with us? Only time will tell.

Then came a move across the country, loss of friends, fears about having a family, old hurts that haunt us…2018 was tough…

But He never let go. I can vouch for my God who sent amazing people, resources and guidance along the way. Every time I listened (I don’t always) His assistance was there.

Maybe I’m rambling but I’m overcome by how good it feels to actually see the results of applying His wisdom.

He Told me To Eat Better

This is probably going to sound like a new year’s resolution post, but for months I’ve been prompted to change my habits. I’ve never been on diets because I enjoy food too much. However, healthier eating isn’t a diet – it’s a lifestyle I’m supposed to follow because I want this body to be able to do His bidding.

I won’t feel up to helping others, learning about His truths or even enjoying life if I’m feeling tired all the time. Note: I hate veggies. But He guided me to PICK the right things to eat:

  • Giving me a husband who LOVES veggies.
  • Realising I can’t expect a baby to grow inside a body that’s not able to support him or her.
  • Sending a friend to visit who sells health foods and having that small voice in my head say: This is what you’re supposed to be eating.

Repetition worked: His message was heard. And today I’m better for it.

I won’t ever LIKE veggies, but I add them to my plate because I KNOW it’s the right thing to do.

Does it sound like I’m a spoilt toddler wanting dessert before her meal? Isn’t that the way with all bad habits? We just want the easy way out. Whether it’s lying, being lazy, choosing the wrong friends.

But no matter your age you can still change it around.

A lot of times I didn’t want to make changes in my life because it felt embarassing: How can I be in my 30s and still fail at simple things? It’s easier to ignore and simply carry on, right?

But those bad habits are the things that make me not want to get up in the morning. I wasn’t always proud of the life I was living: Unhealthy, rushed, stressed, chaotic.

Eating differently and realising it led to a more energetic life inspires me to break other bad habits too. Feeling less lethargic makes me excited about what else I can change in my life even though I’ve had bad habits all through my 20s.

He Prompted Me To Look After my Body

He also sent me this very cool friend who went through a particular challenge with her own body. Today she realises the value of strong muscles and healthy bones and she has this passion to help others prevent what she had to go through. A year’s struggle with permanent pain is no joke.

Her words…once again that small voice prompted me. If I can prevent certain ailments in life, why not? There’s no reason to live with regret; He is sending me the message NOW so I can have more quality of life later on.

Once again: I’m not proud that I’m not living a super healthy life. For me it has always been my mind taking priority, not my body. But the one can’t live without the other. For now, I feel Him prompting me to give a little more attention to my physical existence. I guess He still wants me around for a while.

And I will say it again: My God is PRACTICAL.

It only takes a call from a suffering friend to realise the importance of this lesson: We live in a stressful society and if our bodies are unfit and unwell to begin with, the chances of weathering a particularly difficult time at work or home become quite slim.

And that’s when breakdowns happen. I’ve had one. I don’t want to go down that road again.

He made us a wonderful mix of body, soul and spirit. This year I’m trying my best to look after all three and this morning that plan resulted in getting up with a smile. I’m thankful for all the small messages and prompts He sent during 2018.

He Taught me About Time Management

This one closely relates to that stress aspect. I’m a very good…procrastinator. [This is where 2023-me continues the story] And then, whatever the task is that I’m ignoring and not getting to, creates STRESS at the back of my mind.

Luckily, through everything from becoming a mom in 2021 to having a good therapist that helps me identify my weak points, I have learnt to no longer procrastinate as much as before. It has become second…okay, maybe third nature to simply face a task head on, because I know leaving it until later isn’t good for me, or my family. (A stressed mom is never at her best).

Do I succeed every day? No! But I see victory in this area. And as it was a particular topic of prayer for me (trying to reduce stress in my life), I appreciate how He helped me in such a practical way.

He Offered His Peace

Can I just confirm that His peace really does surpass all understanding!

I’ve been outside hanging washing while worrying about the future. And then…poof…it’s gone. A luxurious peace descends and I know ‘He’s got this’.

I have been in bed praying over and over ‘I need You…I need You’. In that moment I am terrified and overcome with emotion that I can not control. And then…poof…it dissipates and I can breathe again.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I can’t explain it.

I’m just thankful for it.

He’s Waiting to Share My Purpose With Me

Purpose is a big thing for me. I can’t live without having direction.

This also means that when I’m unsure about what His purpose for me is, I feel very unsure about facing the days head on.

Here’s what I tend to forget: He is ALWAYS ready to share His thoughts with me. Unfortunately, I don’t always sit down to ask and listen for His reply

Purpose has changed over the years.

  • Employed in ministry
  • Writer
  • Wife
  • Mother

But so often life, technology, worries and even people can distract us from what we should be focusing on, right?

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

This morning again I was reminded of what He thinks I should be doing with my time. And I know that if I don’t prioritise it, I can’t blame anyone but myself for the emptiness or sense of being lost that tends to descend because of me ignoring my purpose.

Here’s to better use of my time next week. 🙂

He Sent Angels

He has always sent angels across my path.

If we don’t acknowledge these blessings, it can be very easy to miss seeing His hand during certain seasons in life.

  • New friends in a new city I moved to.
  • This random person who invites random ladies for coffee…and I end up meeting someone who becomes a major part of my support system during the next 5 years of my life. Amazing how He orchestrates things!
  • In a world of very patronizing, critical people (and judgmental social media), He connects me with the most accepting and understanding moms group and lactation consultant any new mother can ask for!
  • Random introductions that turn into long-term clients. Thank You for Your provision!

Final Thoughts

I’m going to be honest. The 2023 me wasn’t feeling the joy this morning when I got up. But God did prompt me to start writing again and I’ve been putting it off for so long. (A toddler keeps one busy haha). But I can only ignore His prompts for so long.

And then…it happened.

How did He manage to help me scroll through old drafts and open the ONE piece that will remind me of some truths I desperately needed today?

And then…it happened.

He has just helped me regain some balance and it’s yet another example of how He continually helps me keep my footing through challenging seasons.

Need Help? 3 Phrases that Sound Cliche but Aren’t

Need Help? 3 Phrases that Sound Cliche but Aren’t

Fact: life is hard.

No matter what situation you’re in, there’s bound to be a challenge coming your way. And that’s not being pessimistic. That’s just life.

How often do you feel you need help? Please read on for in case here’s something you need to hear today.

The Possibility of Hope

I’m not professing to have the answer to all situations. However, what I share today are a few hopeful moments that came across my path in the past few weeks.

For me, the challenge at the moment is being in the midst of a pregnancy. That’s one amazing privilege and adventure! But as the due date crawls closer I find myself overcome by a range of emotions…fears…situations. I battle to keep balance and I soooo want to do this right for this girl-baby’s benefit.

So, it feels like I’m facing a different challenge every other day. Not as big as some challenges in life…but when your actions affect a little soul coming into the world – and me being a new mom who usually likes being in control -…the challenges feel overwhelming.

However, when I look back over the past few weeks, as much as I can identify the challenges, I recognise Him. The Godly advice that came across my path was always there. IF I’m wise enough to open my mind to it.

Because I’m a word person, I think His guidance sticks in my head in the form of words…phrases. So here goes…a few of His words to me. Hopefully, they can bring a little light to one of your challenging days.

3 Phrases

Calm Down

Perhaps you think this is one phrase no one should ever say to you. In movies they joke about husbands who dare to say ‘calm down’ when a woman reacts. But when it’s God that places these words in your mind…you kind of listen.

For me, a personal struggle has been to keep balance between working and being pregnant. I aim to please and hate to disappoint. But when you’re pregnant, things must change. I simply couldn’t go on as I used to. It was affecting me and there was the risk of my work worries affecting my baby.

It took one scare of early contractions at 33 weeks to make me realise that I needed to adjust my mindset. 4 days in hospital and I was different. I had to be. Mrs In Control even cried with the nurse about how I didn’t know how to do it all right. But the promise of a new life growing inside you forces you to change.

But change isn’t always permanent. Each week I have to remind myself what my priority is. And perhaps God also knew I needed regular reminders.

For example, one morning during my quiet time, all that came to mind was ‘calm down’. And I knew. Calm down about the people I’m worried about…calm down about work…calm down about keeping housework up to date. It doesn’t help to worry and it definitely doesn’t help little Lucy when I’m tense all the time.

And then, when my husband left for work that day and out of the blue he said ‘relax…take it easy…‘, you know it’s God confirming the message for the day.

Do those words make life less stressful? No.


  • It changes how I respond to the stress that wants to enter my life.
  • It helps me focus on simply getting the next thing done, instead of trying to handle everything at once.
  • They help me enjoy a meeting with a colleague, instead of only worrying about clients.
  • The advice makes me take 5 minutes just for myself in the still-empty babyroom, because I will never have those 5 minutes again.
  • And it makes me enjoy an evening on the couch to rest, even if I couldn’t get everything done, knowing that rest will empower me to face the next day’s workload.

Calm down. It has more positive outcomes than you may think.

He Didn’t Give Us a Spirit of Fear

My other panic I had to deal with over the past few weeks was the idea of giving birth. Despite amazing prenatal classes – which helped resolve some fears – I became a little paranoid. What was going to happen with me and Baby-Lucy in just a few weeks?

Even the thought that it could happen at any time was overwhelming. How can I be prepared if I don’t know when it’s coming?

And what if something went wrong? What if everything went wrong?

Once again, taking those few minutes of quiet and searching for His view on the topic – rather than my own – was the ONLY thing that changed my mindset about this. Not people, not books, not knowledge…but His Spirit showing me the TRUTH of the situation. Then, I could look at THE TRUTH instead of the enemy’s LIE that I should fear what was coming.

So, what was the truth in this case?

Sitting in my chair, I was overcome with the image of Him WATCHING over her. Also, a few weeks ago I looked up at the babyroom roof and noticed that there were exactly three down lights installed. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 3 Sources of Light will be LOOKING over her daily. And a friend who was sharing with me what was on her heart gave me one simple word…WATCH. And I knew…God, the trinity was WATCHING over Lucy. THAT was the truth.

I didn’t have to worry…He was taking care of her. There in her room in future, but also while she was still in my womb. And instantly, that realisation removed the intense worry I carried with me during that week.

Will it be easy? Probably not. Will it hurt? Yes. Is there risk involved? Yes. But He is with her and I can simply do my part. He will do the rest.

Of course, the challenge is to live with that new-found realisation the next day and the next. This is where I do believe the Word is powerful, because the phrase that stuck in my head was ‘He did not give us a Spirit of fear, but of….a sound mind’. 2 Tim 1:7

SOUND MIND. As His child I did not have to buy into the chaos of stress. I can choose to take up His truth and promise and advice. But it IS a choice. And I try to choose that every day.

But fear can return…

A few days later my fear was that I wouldn’t cope when the moment arrived. How will I handle my water breaking or the pain of labour? What if I freaked out? Once again I had to return to the TRUTH of the matter, not the fear that comes so naturally. The truth that God designed me specifically for a situation like this. He made me woman. He created me for this purpose. And gave me a SOUND MIND to choose His peace and believe His promise if being there for us…but it’s my choice to take up that sound mind or surrender to panic.

The Price of Pride

Here, I simply wish I could thank all of the wonderful women God placed in my life over the past few years. There are new friends in the city we moved to, old friends who came back into my life, neighbours, family…the list is endless.

What I realised recently however is that I have robbed myself of so many blessings, because, like I said, I like being in control. Being pregnant at 39 was a huge new journey for me, but I didn’t want to admit to some of my younger friends the mental challenges I was facing.

Some of them have already had their children and were more than willing to give me the love and care and proper advice I needed. But it took me months to realise their value and discover the magic of sometimes being vulnerable.

And it’s pride that does that.

Pride, which I thought I’ve dealt with in my life.

When a young mom who simply loves helping other moms showed up on my doorstep with a gift (book on motherhood) and I saw all the book club friends’ names inside the card…I realised how dumb I’ve been. These women have been on my doorstep for over 2 years. And although I made friends with a few of them, I could have embraced them more and shared my worries, instead of trying to always save face.

They cared unconditionally. They understood the challenges I was going through. These women would have shared their stories without expecting anything in return, without laughing at my questions and without judging my opinions.

I know this is because I always want to be the one who helps. But wanting to ALWAYS be the rescuer is fuelled by unnecessary pride, not just love for others.

May I be wiser in future and stop missing out on the blessing of people.

Now What?

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. You don’t know what you’ll face in future.

I’m just holding on to these few words, because if He helped me learn lessons and find hope in the past few weeks…He’ll do it again in my tomorrows.

What’s your biggest challenge? What phrase helps you through the day? What advice do you have for me on my mom-journey?

Thank you for reading.